David is the best erotic photographer I’ve seen so far and it is a pleasure for me to follow him everywhere on social media. With the NYMF app David made things more easy and simple for followers like me, because this is his own app and the restrictions of social media apps like Instagram are avoided and the followers can enjoy the great photos and stories he delivers!
United States 🇺🇸
Beautiful app
I would have graded personally the photographer 100 stars for the work he has done through that lenses...
Canada 🇨🇦
Hecho con gusto y arte
Estas imágenes son infaliblemente artísticas y están compuestas con buen gusto. Una cantidad perfecta o erotismo con hermosas mujeres en interesantes, hermosas, moody ajustes.
Mexico 🇲🇽
Mega klimatyczne
Przepiękne naturalne zdjęcia w niebanalnym ujęciu, mega klimatyczne. Polecam.
Poland 🇵🇱
Amazing app
This is an amazing app, developed to showcase not just the photography skill of the creator, but it has much more to offer. It takes you into the core sensitivity of the model and created ambience around her. Be it nature or artificially created atmosphere, you dive into it and find a connection between everything put into frame...
India 🇮🇳
Calidad de las fotos
Quiero apreciar comentar y compartir de que la calidad de las fotos en esta aplicación es extremadamente detallada a una muy alta calidad que se aprecia de ver.
Spain 🇪🇸
Bom trabalho, David
Ficou muito bonito. Artes de beleza. Eu recomendo esse aplicativo.
Brazil 🇧🇷
Beautiful models. Great scenes.
Awesome app. Beautiful models. Great scenes. You can't help but fall in love with the beauty. Well worth it.
United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Wunderbare App
Ich mag diese Fotos sehr. Ich habe Premium-Zeitraum gekauft und kann jedes Foto ohne Einschränkungen sehen.
Germany 🇩🇪
Japan 🇯🇵
Ein Fenster zur Welt der Schönheit für echte Kenner
Ich möchte gleich zu Beginn sagen, dass ich Davids Arbeit und die App wirklich mag. Ich habe einen Premium-Account für ein Jahr gekauft und ich bereue es überhaupt nicht. Ich mag es, ich lese alle Geschichten in der englischen Version. Was ich mit meinem Kommentar sagen möchte.
Germany 🇩🇪
Хочется рассматривать каждую деталь
Мне, как девушке, очень нравится смотреть на женскую красоту. Я восхищаюсь работами автора, хочется рассматривать каждую деталь. Спасибо за удовольствие ❤️
Ukraine 🇺🇦
Fotografías de calidad
Quiero apreciar comentar y compartir de que la calidad de las fotos en esta aplicación es extremadamente detallada a una muy alta calidad que se aprecia de ver.
Chile 🇨🇱
Best erotic photographer
David is the best erotic photographer I’ve seen so far, and it is a pleasure for me to follow him everywhere on social media. With the NYMF app, David made things more easy and simple for followers like me, because this is his own app and the restrictions of social media apps like Instagram are avoided, and the followers can enjoy the great photos and stories he delivers!
Bulgaria 🇧🇬
Great app
This is an amazing app, developed to showcase not just the photography skill of the creator but it has much more to offer. It takes you into the core sensitivity of the model and created ambience around her.
United States 🇺🇸
China 🇨🇳
High-end photography
Here you can find: 1) Beautiful and inspiring photo works. 2) An evolving user-friendly photo editor, hopefully to be further developed. 3) Interesting and aesthetically pleasing videos, even those with little new information for photographers... In short, a nice app with the potential to become even better.
Canada 🇨🇦
Дуже атмосферні та тематично грамотні фотографії. Будь-яка дівчина була б рада потрапити до такого фотографа! Було б чудово, якби скрізь можна було по свайпу повертатися назад, щоб не тягнутися в лівий верхній кут. Дякую!)
Ukraine 🇺🇦
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