Beauty in the ordinary
Photographers very often ask me how I manage to create such beautiful photos using the most ordinary things – an old milk can or a table fan; a fruit box or granddad’s bamboo fly rod that was planned to be thrown away; a very old-fashioned dress or a straw hat that no one any longer wears. To me, each of these things is beautiful and waits for its room in one of my photoshoots.
Even if each of these things is no piece of art as such, when skilfully located with other similar things, it perfectly complements the photo triggering appropriate emotions. You just need to wish to see in them beauty, aesthetics and the mood they spread…
The same is true with models and locations. You can indifferently walk past a certain location, or stop and notice its hidden beauty and find a way to use it in your photos...
I’ll give you an example. Once I had a chance to climb a dirty attic of my acquaintance’s house. To be honest, I looked with admiration at the corner where the wall converged with a stone stove covered with the rays of scattered light.
“I’d like to have a couple of photoshoots in this place”, I said to my acquaintance. He was very surprised as he took a quick look at that dirty corner. I ran more than one photoshoot in that place. They all were so different, and so amazing...